Trip Reports
The Society runs an active programme of field meetings throughout the year. Many are visits to areas of interest within the local area, but we also arrange trips to places further afield. Some focus primarily on bird-watching whilst others look for wild flowers, fungi, insects or other groups. Many of these visits are of interest to general naturalists as can be seen from the reports, which we endeavour to publish within a week or two of the event.
Nine members attended this meeting starting at the Headland Lighthouse. It was an overcast day with a strong onshore wind making it a chilly day with a very rough sea. A number of Gannets and two Shags flew past offshore plus the only two Common Scoters we saw....
Twig Workshop, Staveley
A workshop on the identification of twigs in winter was offered to members for the first time this year. It was led by John Killingbeck of the Woodland Trust and assisted by Alan Hunton, a Veteran Tree Recorder. Muff very generously opened her house for the event so...
Christmas Field Trip and Lunch
A field trip in the middle of December is always a gamble, and this one narrowly escaped storm Darragh - the weather was relatively mild, windless and dry. 19 of us – a record – met at the Ripon City Golf Club car park and set off on one of Colin’s mystery tours…. ...
Fungus Foray, Thruscross towards Blubberhouses
Members attending this trip were very, very lucky in terms of the warm and sunny weather, in the levels of expertise and in the numbers of fungi identified. Andy Woodall together with Ian and Jonathan were present from the Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group, Kevin...
Farnham Gravel Pit Fungus Foray
The sharp eyes of 17 HDNS members spotted numerous different fungal species at Farnham Gravel Pit on Saturday 19 October. After reaching our agreed two hour time limit we had only managed a search from the car park to the vicinity of the Bird Hide! In that time, we...
Four members attended, starting at the Headland lighthouse. The weather was overcast but remained dry for the day. It was a low tide as we started with an hour's sea watching. On the sea were three Red-throated Divers, four Great Crested Grebes and a flock of...
Lower Ure Conservation Trust Nosterfield
12 members attended the meeting starting at 10.00 on a breezy overcast day. The first noticeable birds were 15 Little Egrets. A Great White Egret was seen by an early arriving member before 10.00 but left soon afterwards. A juvenile Garganey was dabbling in the water...
Members’ morning at Farnham Gravel Pit
Each July we hold an open morning for members at Farnham Gravel Pit so that those without keys, especially new members, have an opportunity to discover the delights of the site. This year we had a good mix of regular and new members who enjoyed the plants (many of...
Afternoon visit to Staveley Nature Reserve
Tuesday 9th July was supposed to be a visit to Askham Bog led by Alastair Fitter. But the double blow of atrocious weather and a family crisis for Alastair meant that this was cancelled, so instead a smaller group of us spent a couple of hours gently botanising at...
Botany of the Malham area
Perhaps like me, some of you may have thumbed through UK wild plant books and thought that never in a million years will I find that plant, due to its extreme rarity. Never would I get that lucky. But on Thursday 27 June we all did get that lucky. In...
Stainburn Forest Nightjar walk
14 members attended the evening meeting to see Nightjars and Woodcocks. It was an overcast and cool evening as last year. Most birds had already gone to roost but I did see a Great-spotted Woodpecker hammering on a dead tree before the walk started. A Chaffinch was...
Cowside Gill and Kilnsey Park
After heroic car sharing choreography, 16 Naturalists met at the top of the hill just above Arncliffe, where we were nearly blown over when we emerged from the cars! It was 10°C, overcast and nearly raining – well, it was only two weeks until...
Woodland flora of Rougemont Carr
Our party assembled in Weeton Church car park to visit Rougemont Carr. The Carr was formerly known as Rougemont Castle and is situated above a steep north bank of the River Wharfe, and is accessible by footpath from Weeton village. A plaque by the Kirkby Overblow...
Fairburn Ings and Lin Dyke
Eleven members met at the visitor centre car park. From here we saw a Red Kite flying over which we probably saw later in the day and a Common Tern flew past. Small birds around the car park and visitor centre feeding area included Great Tits, Blue Tits, Dunnock and...
Gouthwaite and Scar House Reservoirs
13 members attended this field meeting starting at Gouthwaite reservoir. As I arrived a Mistle Thrush was singing from a tree top and a Red Kite flew over. On the water there were 21 Teal, a small number of Mallard, Greylags and Canada Geese. Two pairs of Greylags had...
Ancient Trees of Ripley Park
Our visit to Ripley Castle grounds on 19 April had a rare bonus, we were absolutely bound to find and study as our target was trees! We were also very fortunate that Sue Wood had again agreed to lead our meeting, bringing her extensive horticultural knowledge. The...
Conyngham Hall Tree Trail
The weather forecast for our HDNS outing did not bode well, but happily despite the grey sky, no rain fell. Eighteen of us assembled at Conyngham Hall Car park, Knaresborough. We were led by Sue Wood, Horticultural Development Officer at North Yorkshire...
11 members met at the Headland lighthouse on a sunny day with overcast periods and light breeze. We started by sea watching. The most numerous birds we could see were groups of 20, 22 and 80 Common Scoters followed by 20 Great Crested Grebes in a loose group. A single...
Christmas walk and lunch
After meeting at Ripon City Golf Club, where we were later to have lunch, we car-shared to the west gate at Fountains Abbey which is a known haunt of Hawfinches. They appear at this location most winters in varying numbers and feed on the young growth at the...
Fungus foray, RHS Harlow Carr
Fungus forays are usually very popular events and so it was no surprise that 15 members and friends assembled outside the entrance to Harlow Carr Gardens, ready to spend time learning about mycology. The event was led by Dr Kevin Walker who took the trouble to...
Old Moor RSPB Reserve
11 members attended this meeting starting at 10.00. On arrival at the car park I saw two Great-spotted Woodpeckers on the grass, an adult and a juvenile. From the Bittern and the Main hides which both look over the main lake we could see seven Lesser...
Quarry Moor, Ripon
This trip was arranged at short notice to replace a possible full-day more distant outing, in view of the very unsettled period of weather and the difficulty of recruiting participants in August. It proved a popular choice, with 10 well-wrapped-up members bravely...
Aquatic Nursery, Nosterfield
It may be surprising to some people to find that there is a charity near to Ripon which is propagating hundreds of species of rare British water plants in a nursery on a former sand and gravel quarry. Last Friday afternoon ten HDNS members visited the site, and...
Smardale Gill National Nature Reserve
Smardale Gill National Nature Reserve and SSSI lies just north east of the Howgill Hills. The Reserve occupies an 8km/5 mile section of the railway track that once ran...
New Members Day at Farnham Gravel Pits
This was well attended with members of Council on hand to show new members around the site. June Atkinson gave them an introduction to the site's specialities such as the wonderful Pyramidal Orchids, upwards of 150 again this year. There was a good selection of plants...
Ribblesdale’s botanical riches
Leader: Kevin Walker This event was advertised as a chance to see “rare limestone plants” and did not disappoint! Apparently some 90% of the British Flora can be found on the slopes of Ingleborough, and although our target was more modest we did end up with a longer...
Botanical Field Trip to Wensleydale
Leader; Kevin Walker Ballowfields LNR near Carperby consists of an area of grassland which was heavily contaminated by lead mining operations over 200 years ago. The beck which runs through the site has carried lead from the mines and specialised...
Evening walk in Stainburn Forest
24 members attended the evening meeting to see Nightjars and Woodcocks. It was an overcast and cool evening. Most birds had already gone to roost but as we walked into the forest we did see up to three Tree Pipits, one of which was carrying food back to its nest....
Middleton Wood
This woodland is owned and managed by Bradford MDC and comprises Coppy, Stubham, Hudson and Middleton Wood itself. It is situated very close to gardens and a swimming pool and yet seems to maintain its peace and tranquillity. Happily we were blessed...
Waders and Black Grouse of Upper Teesdale
The long awaited trip to Upper Teesdale took place on what turned out to be a beautiful Springlike day. Eight of us met at Langdon Beck with Colin Slator as our expert guide in search of Black Grouse and botanical delights. Even though the lecking season is well and...
Fairburn Ings and Lin Dyke
Nine members met at the visitor centre car park. The day started overcast but the sun soon shone through giving us a warm dry day. From the car park and adjacent reed bed there was a Blackcap, Dunnock, Goldfinches, Chiffchaff, Blue Tit and Robin in the hedge. A Reed...
Aubert Ings, Cattal
The visit to SSSI Aubert Ings is becoming something of an annual event, for an early botanical venue. The spectacular butter-yellow wild tulips and delicate fritillaries are guaranteed, and an encouraging harbinger of a wildflower summer! It is a unique...
Gouthwaite and Scar House Reservoirs
Nine members attended the meeting starting at Gouthwaite viewing area. The weather was overcast with a light breeze but the sun did appear during the afternoon. From the car park we had a pair of Pied Wagtails, a Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Goldfinches, Long-tailed...
Heyshaw Moor
Four members met on Heyshaw Moor to the sound of Curlew and Snipe, and the sight of an impressive flock of Golden Plover. However, our purpose was to study the variety of mosses and liverworts on the moor, so we took loupes to our eyes and learnt to distinguish the...
Hartlepool, Newburn Bridge and Seaton Snook
14 members attended this field trip starting at the Headland lighthouse at 9.30. It was an overcast day with a westerly breeze. On the sea we found six Red-throated Divers, two Guillemots and a group of 55 Cormorants. Great Black-backed, Herring and Black-headed...
Christmas Walk
Colin Slator once again offered members a guided Christmas Walk. It was an all day event which started at Nosterfield Quarry on a very cold but still morning. The highlight of the morning was a visit to the innovative Flask Fen project. Despite the chill, Laurie and...
Gillfield Mine visit
A “Natural History” visit to a Lead Mine? Well, nothing can be more “Natural” than rock, so a sunny Saturday saw 12 of us being kitted up with helmets and lights by our leaders, Richard Clayton, who organised the trip for us, and his colleague Shirley. Gillfield Mine...
Nidd Gorge Fungus Foray
The pall of cloud that had blighted the previous day (bonfire night) had lifted and there was a promise of a brighter morning as we gathered with mycologist Andy Woodall in the Woodland Trust’s Nidd Gorge car park on Ripley Rd. Rain threatened but held off until our...
Hartlepool Headland and Teesmouth
Seven members attended this field trip starting at the Headland at 9.30. Low tide was at 06.30 so we had a rising tide. The weather was showery most of the day but the westerly wind wasn't as strong as forecast. We could shelter behind the lighthouse buildings for our...
Blacktoft Sands and North Cave Wetlands
12 members attended the meeting starting at Blacktoft Sands car park at 9.30. It was a cool overcast start to the day with occasional sunny periods throughout the day. A Spotted Crake has been on the reserve since the weekend so our first stop was the Townend Hide...
Wykeham Forest
10 members attended, meeting at the car park at 10.00. The weather was overcast with a slight breeze. The bird sightings started at the car park with a Blackcap, Goldcrest and a Coal Tit seen in the conifers with a Wren in the undergrowth. Along the footpath to the...
Hackfall and Mickley Woods
14 members attended. Leader Kevin Walker Hackfall Woods are ancient woodland lying on magnesian limestone. Although parts of them were clear felled in the 1930s some parts are thought to have been continuous woodland since the last Ice Age so have a diverse flora in...
Members’ meeting at Farnham Gravel Pits
There were 27 of us at Farnham Gravel Pits on Saturday morning, for many of whom it was their first visit. Society members have special dispensation to visit the site, which we manage to support and enhance the local flora and fauna. After an initial heavy shower we...
Malham Tarn area
This was a botanists’ dream come true – Malham Tarn area is surely one of the best plant sites in the county, and here we were with Judith Allinson, a professional botanist who knows the area intimately, a natural teacher whose enthusiasm was enough to keep us going...
Spring Wood, Knaresborough
Spring Wood is one of 5 named woods in the Nidd Gorge between Nidd Viaduct and Knaresborough Low Bridge. Spring Wood is on the southern bank opposite Scotton Banks and, due to its position, is seldom visited. It comprises a large slope with terraces formed by the...
Stainburn Forest Nightjar walk
22 members attended the evening meeting to see Nightjars and Woodcocks. We walked from the car park and walked along the path to the right. Some of the area has been felled leaving upright dead trees making ideal perches for Tree Pipits. They attracted four pipits....
Grass Wood, Grassington
The 12 naturalists assembled at the quarry car park included our leader, Bruce Brown, botanical recorder for Wharfedale Naturalists and Joe Bodycote of YWT; Bruce and Joe are both very much involved in the management of the wood, Bruce appears to know every tiniest...
Fairburn Ings and Lin Dyke
12 members attended the meeting starting at Fairburn Ings car park at 9.30. It was a cool breezy start to the day that warmed with a light shower and sunny periods throughout the day. From the car park we heard a Red-legged Partridge. Cormorants and a Little...
Gouthwaite and Scar House Reservoirs
10 members attended the meeting starting at Gouthwaite Reservoir viewing area. The weather was overcast with occasional sunny periods. The water level was high which reduced the muddy areas favoured by waders. One Black-tailed Godwit in summer plumage was seen in...
Aubert Ings SSSI
13 members attended Aubert Ings is a fascinating example of a rare habitat; ancient flood meadow. Because of the wet ground it has never been ploughed, though was originally woodland which was cleared hundreds of years ago and traditionally managed ever since. This is...
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