A Year in the Life of a Swift

Event Details

Event Start: January 7, 2026 at 7:30 pm

Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate

Price: £3, free to members

Event Organiser

Kerry Morrison


Linda Jenkinson

Do you love the haunting sound of swifts screaming overhead each summer? If you do then you will have noticed that this sound is now becoming a rare event. Learn why this is and how you can help to protect this enigmatic bird. You will see footage of swifts in the nest and learn about their breeding behaviour and astonishing natural history. 

Linda Jenkinson is a biologist, a birdwatching guide and educator, founder of the Leeds Birdfair and co-founder of Leeds Swifts. She is a member of a UK-wide network of swift conservationists and, during the summer months, she rehabilitates grounded swifts, swallows and martins at her home in Burley.