Farnham Mires SSSI

Event Details

Event Start: June 14, 2025 at 10:00 am

Location: Park by the protected verge at SE351604

Price: £3, free to members

Event Organiser

Muff Upsall

Event Leader

Kevin Walker

A Saturday trip to see the botanical riches of this private site. There is very limited parking at the site so meet at 10:00 at SE351604 and park by the protected verge, where we will return for more interest after walking down the road to the Mires. This private SSSI  has limestone grassland, calcareous fen and mesotrophic grassland. Former site for Bird’s-eye Primrose, but lots of botanical interest including Adder’s-tongue-fern, orchids, Parsley-leaved Water-Dropwort, etc.