All are welcome to our field meetings and lectures, which are free to members, and are open to visitors on payment of a fee of £3 per person.
Lectures take place at fortnightly meetings held between October and March (inclusive) on Wednesday evenings at 7.30 pm in the Friends Meeting House, 12A Queen Parade, Harrogate HG1 5PP.
Field meetings are held throughout the year and give opportunities to pursue specific interests and learn about biodiversity in different habitats.
Reports of past excursions can be found on this website (under Trip Reports).
Please note the following precautions for field meetings: stout footwear and suitable outdoor clothing should always be worn. Bring plenty of food and drink, with sun blocker and insect repellent when relevant. Participants take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for their personal safety and the security of their personal belongings.
Of course the weather can never be guaranteed, so some events may have to be altered slightly to work around any inclement precipitations! Also note that return times are approximate only.
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Notes for botanical field trips
Please email or ‘phone the organiser to say you are coming, this will make it possible to car share – many of the venues have little parking; also changes to the printed programme may have occurred. Please bring next-of-kin name and phone number.
Contact Details:
Contact: Kerry Morrison or Muff Upsall (see membership card or Members' Area for contact details)
Notes for ornithological meetings led by Mike Smithson
All meetings are self drive / car share but the resumption of the coach trips is being kept under review. Please contact Mike Smithson beforehand if you intend to come (contact details in the Members' Area).
Please also supply Mike with an emergency name and phone number either prior to coming or when you arrive. As with most field meetings a packed lunch and suitable clothing is recommended.
Ilkley Tree Trail – an introduction to trees
April 4, 2025 at 10:30 am - April 4, 2025 at 1:00 pm
Location: Meet in Swimming Pool car park, LS29 0BZ (free parking)
Price - £3, free to members
A walk along the river and around the swimming pool area of Ilkley following the Tree Trail leaflet to see 40 notable trees.
More details later. Book with Kerry.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Annual General Meeting
April 9, 2025 at 7:30 pm - April 9, 2025 at 9:00 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
Our AGM will be followed by a video by David Tipping
Event Leader: Nick Gaunt
Gouthwaite and Scar House
April 22, 2025 at 10:00 am - April 22, 2025 at 4:00 pm
Location: Meet at Gouthwaite Reservoir car park
Price - £3, free to members
Birding Gouthwaite reservoir and then on to Scar House.
Event Organiser: Mike Smithson
Event Leader: Mike Smithson
RSPB Fairburn Ings
May 7, 2025 at 10:00 am - May 7, 2025 at 4:00 pm
Location: RSPB Fairburn Ings Car Park
Price - £3, free to members
All-day birding trip to Fairburn Ings.
Event Organiser: Mike Smithson
Event Leader: Mike Smithson
Askham Bog
May 7, 2025 at 10:00 am - May 7, 2025 at 12:30 pm
Location: Park at the nearby Askham Bar Park and Ride car park and take a short walk to meet at the Reserve Car park, SE 57454792.
Price - £3, free to members
Led by Prof. Alastair Fitter. Alastair has an unrivalled knowledge of the biodiversity and the history of Askham bog .
Renewing the boardwalk has now been delayed until 2026 so the car park is available and we will use the boardwalks.
Please meet at 10,00 at the small YWT car park for this reserve, SE 5745 4792.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Event Leader: Prof Alastair Fitter
Birk Crag and Oak Beck
May 21, 2025 at 10:30 am - May 21, 2025 at 2:00 pm
Location: Meet at RHS Harlow Carr, Car Park 3, SE281542
Price - £3, free to members
With our Leader, Kevin Walker, expect to find a number of species that have escaped the RHS Harlow Carr gardens, such as Aconite leaved Buttercup, Ranunculus aconitifolius, Caucasian Pennycress, Pachyphragma macrophyllum, and Broad leaved Cuckoo flower, Cardamine raphanifolia.
This is a joint meeting with members of Wharfedale Naturalists. Early booking is necessary to ensure a place as numbers will be limited.
Book with Kerry.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Event Leader: Kevin Walker
Winskill Stones Nature Reserve and Lower Winskill Farm
June 5, 2025 at 10:00 am - June 5, 2025 at 5:00 pm
Location: tba
Price - £3, free to members
The Winskill Stones, near Settle, is a Plantlife site famous for its rich limestone flora. Andy Kearsey of Plantlife will lead us; in the afternoon we hope to visit Tom Lord’s farm at Lower Winskill, a working farm which is also farmed for wildlife, retaining rich natural habitats and also preserving the long history of the farm. (See this article).
There will be a fee for Andy’s time, TBA.
More details later. Book with Muff.
Event Organiser: Muff Upsall
Event Leader: Andy Kearsey
Farnham Mires SSSI
June 14, 2025 at 10:00 am
Location: Park by the protected verge at SE351604
Price - £3, free to members
A Saturday trip to see the botanical riches of this private site. There is very limited parking at the site so meet at 10:00 at SE351604 and park by the protected verge, where we will return for more interest after walking down the road to the Mires. This private SSSI has limestone grassland, calcareous fen and mesotrophic grassland. Former site for Bird’s-eye Primrose, but lots of botanical interest including Adder’s-tongue-fern, orchids, Parsley-leaved Water-Dropwort, etc.
Event Organiser: Muff Upsall
Event Leader: Kevin Walker
Bishop Monkton Ings SSSI
July 12, 2025 at 10:00 am
Location: Meet at the farm at SE35446633
Price - £3, free to members
A Saturday visit to these private Ings. Meet at 10:00 at the farm at SE35446633. We then walk west across the fields to SE34766574 which is the best area with tufa mounds. Another SSSI with calcareous fen with springs and tufa mounds. Botanically rich with Marsh Helleborine, Dyer’s Greenweed, etc.
Event Organiser: Muff Upsall
Event Leader: Kevin Walker
RSPB St Aidans
August 12, 2025 at 10:00 am - August 12, 2025 at 4:00 pm
Location: RSPB St Aidans Car Park
Price - £3, free to members
All day birding around St Aidans reserve.
Event Organiser: Mike Smithson
Event Leader: Mike Smithson
Species in the wrong places? Should we love or hate the biological inheritors of the Earth?
October 1, 2025 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
Chris Thomas is Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of York, where he established the Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity, of which he was Director from 2019 to 2024. Chris has published over 350 articles in the scientific literature, for which he has received a number of academic prizes; he is a Fellow of the Royal Society and former President of the Royal Entomological Society. He has also authored a popular science book, Inheritors of the Earth: How Nature is Thriving in an Age of Extinction. Chris has engaged with environmental policy, particularly highlighting the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, the importance of connected, landscape-scale conservation projects, and the need for conservation to accept and to adjust to the inevitability of continuing environmental change. But he is happiest when watching birds, butterflies and flowers in his own wildlife meadow.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: Prof Chris Thomas
Flora and fauna of South Africa’s Cape region
October 15, 2025 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
The North and West Cape provinces hold a unique and diverse flora and fauna with fascinating ecology. Nick will introduce some of their highlights with illustrations from two recent trips.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: Nick Gaunt
Brimham Rocks – a 500 million year story
October 29, 2025 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
For over 200 years, people have visited Brimham to marvel at the rock formations and scenery. The origins of this unique geological site is only just becoming clear and this talk will outline what we now know about the geology of the rocks, when and how they were formed, including some surprises along the way.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: Stephen Lewis
The Woodland Trust and Snaizeholme
November 12, 2025 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
Snaizeholme was acquired by the Trust in 2021 and is their largest restoration project in England. The talk covers the background to the Woodland Trust and how Snaizeholme is developing.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: David Mason
Saving our Heritage from Climate Change
November 26, 2025 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
The Skell Valley Project bears witness to the benefits of working with nature, controlling extreme river floods and empowering the local community, to make the valley landscape resilient to future weather extremes. This vital project showcases the National Trust as its best and safeguards the longevity for a significant UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: David Banks
The Natural History of Christmas
December 10, 2025 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
This PowerPoint slideshow lasts just over an hour and looks at the animals, plants and fungi associated with Christmas, starting with the animals witnessing the birth of Christ, to the legend of Saint Nicolas, the origins of the British Father Christmas and the concept of flying reindeer. It also looks at seasonal food throughout the ages and the evolution of Christmas decorations. It is in memory of Patrick Harding (botanist, fungus expert, educator and broadcaster) and based on his book “The Magic of Christmas”
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: Derek Whiteley FRES President of the YNU 2025
A Year in the Life of a Swift
January 7, 2026 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
Do you love the haunting sound of swifts screaming overhead each summer? If you do then you will have noticed that this sound is now becoming a rare event. Learn why this is and how you can help to protect this enigmatic bird. You will see footage of swifts in the nest and learn about their breeding behaviour and astonishing natural history.
Linda Jenkinson is a biologist, a birdwatching guide and educator, founder of the Leeds Birdfair and co-founder of Leeds Swifts. She is a member of a UK-wide network of swift conservationists and, during the summer months, she rehabilitates grounded swifts, swallows and martins at her home in Burley.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: Linda Jenkinson
Results from rewilding in Nidderdale
January 21, 2026 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
Make it Wild have, to date, established 10 nature reserves in North Yorkshire. At their 110-acre site at Bank Woods, Summerbridge in Nidderdale they have mosaic of habitats including: semi-natural ancient woodland; recently planted mixed-broadleaved woodland; meadows; ponds and grazed upland scrub grassland. The site is being rewilded through a blend of created habitat interventions and natural regeneration and this talk describes the observed impact on a variety of species of flora and fauna.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: Christopher Neave
Catchment-scale perspective to river restoration and Foss Catchment Project
February 4, 2026 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
The talk will focus on Foss Catchment Project, which a partnership project with the long-term aims of improving water quality by reducing the amount of sediment and pollution entering the watercourse, as well as mitigating flood risk throughout the Foss catchment and improving habitat for the River Foss wildlife. I will also talk about catchment-scale perspective to river restoration and the theory behind it, as well as give overview of different river restoration techniques.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: Monika Smieja
Bats of Yorkshire- their history and distribution
February 18, 2026 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
An introduction to bats, their physiology, the Yorkshire species, identification using ultrasonic recording, their history in the County and current distribution where known.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: David Watkins
Orchids of Britain, especially the Yorkshire Dales
March 4, 2026 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
Since 1979 plants have played a big part in Nigel’s life. After qualifying from Askham Bryan College NIgel’s work in horticulture took him to Oxford Botanical Gardens and into the Tropical Houses to work with their Alpines, Tropical Ferns and Orchids. His work sparked his interest in native plants and orchids and he has travelled widely to seek out species. The horticultural world continues to benefit from Nigel’s expertise as he is active in a number of roles within the RHS. Nigel lives in the Yorkshire Dales. His talk will be on his travels in search of our native orchids here in the Yorkshire Dales and other counties.
Event Organiser: Kerry Morrison
Presenter: Nigel Hutchinson
Annual General Meeting
April 15, 2026 at 7:30 pm
Location: Friends Meeting House, Harrogate
Price - £3, free to members
AGM business to be followed by a talk (to be arranged).
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