Location Habitat: Lake

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Bellflask Quarry

A former gravel working now managed as a private nature reserve. Several lakes are surrounded by reedbeds and scrub.

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Farnham Gravel Pits

Farnham Gravel Pits

Formerly gravel workings, the south lake is managed by the Society as a private nature reserve. Access is restricted to Society members only.

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Gouthwaite Reservoir

A compensation reservoir for the River Nidd, which is managed as a nature reserve by Yorkshire Water. It is a Site of Special Scientific Interest for its breeding wildfowl and passage and wintering birds.

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Haverah Park & Beaver Dyke Reservoir

Mixed farmland and the small Beaver Dyke Reservoir (also called John o’ Gaunt’s Reservoir due to the proximity of John o’ Gaunt’s Castle ). There is a path around the reservoir taking in the pathway over the dam. Two benches on the north side offer a good vantage point over the water (there is no access to the water‚’s edge). The larger lower reservoir was drained in 2015.

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Lumley Moor Reservoir

Lumley Moor Reservoir

A reservoir with interesting aquatic and marsh flora. The reservoir is owned by Yorkshire Water and is used to top up Swinsty Reservoir when necessary.

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Plumpton Rocks

Plumpton Rocks

Historic, landscaped woodland with a wide variety of trees and a large lake; spectacular outcrops of Millstone Grit.

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Ripley Castle Deer Park and Lakes

Ripley Castle Deer Park and Lakes

Two large, shallow lakes, formed by damming the Thornton Beck, which date back more than two centuries, set in open parkland with scattered, mature trees. The Castle has a walled garden.

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Ripon City Wetlands

Ripon City Wetlands

Recently acquired by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, this area of lakes (former gravel workings) and surrounding reedbeds is a favourite birdwatching site.

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Scar House & Angram Reservoirs

Scar House & Angram Reservoirs

Two large reservoirs and surrounding boulder-strewn hillsides with rough grassland and moorland on the higher slopes. There is some mixed woodland below Scar House dam.

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Staveley Nature Reserve

Staveley Nature Reserve

Two large, flooded former gravel pits, fringed with rushes, along with several small pools and drainage channels. Some extensive grassland and small areas of woodland.

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