We post here occasional news items of interest to naturalists in Harrogate and District. Please forward relevant articles to the web editor (through the Contact page).
A step closer to Townend Field local nature reserve
Congratulations to the Upper Ouse Conservation Trust which has now raised sufficient funds to purchase Townend Field in Great Ouseburn. Their offer to the current landowner has been accepted and they are proceeding to contract. The Trust is still fundraising for legal...
A Nidd Action Group event on 31st March 2025
The Nidd Action Group is holding a public meeting on water quality and management. The People’s Commission posterDownload
Upper Ouse Conservation Trust gains celebrity support
A new conservation group has been formed to help secure Townend Field in Great Ouseburn. It has great biodiversity potential with the Ouse Gill Beck, reed beds, woodland and pasture. See their Facebook page: Dame...
YNU September newsletter
The Yorkshire Naturalists Union, to which HDNS is affiliated, publishes a bi-monthly newsletter, the latest of which can be found on their website at
Bob Evison obituary
John Mather has written this obituary for Bob Evison, who died earlier this year. Bob Evison obituary webDownload
North of England Raptor Forum – a shocking tale
Another example of the plight of Hen Harriers and other raptors on northern grouse moors as reported by NERF.
Knaresborough Forest Park a step closer!
There was an official tree planting of an oak by Keith Wilkinson on Tuesday 13th August to celebrate the progress towards establishing the Knaresborough Forest Park, an important step towards protecting the Green Belt. Further funding is needed to complete the project...
URE Connected – the Story of the Lower Ure Valley
On 22 March, LUCT are hosting a one-day seminar at Fountains Abbey. The seminar will celebrate the history, heritage and habitats of the Lower Ure Valley, with a range of guest speakers who will give their insights on topics such as the post-glacial landscape, early...
Yorkshire Pine Marten Project
Ed Snell from gave a fascinating talk last night about Pine Martens and camera traps. He has sent a few links that expand on his talk: General info about the project can be found here, including our current conservation...
Farnham News Spring 2023
During January, 80 Pink-footed Geese flew over to the south-east, two Little Egrets were seen, five drake Mandarin Ducks were present on the North Lake and a returning flock of 45 Pink-footed Geese flew over to the north at the end of the month. February was...
Raptor persecution continues
The North of England Raptor Forum has posted this informative report on the plight of Hen Harriers over Yorkshire moors.
Wild-flowers and fungi of Sandy Bank Wood
A delightful small booklet that Kevin and Alistair Walker have produced, originally for Panel Primary School to use during Forest School activities. It might be of interest to members and parents of younger children in particular. The Wildflowers of Sandy Bank...
Moth trapping
[The following is an extended edition of the article by Jill Warwick in this Autumn's newsletter.] It has been a fantastic year for moth trapping so far, with many new species to add to the HDNS list. Moths have seemingly enjoyed the hot summer and some species have...
Avian Influenza is still killing birds in the UK
It is not widely publicised that avian influenza is still killing wild birds in the UK. DEFRA has a scheme where members of the public can report dead birds, especially large species such as geese, swans, seagulls and birds of prey. Should you come across a dead wild...
A blast from the past
During the 19th and early 20th Centuries, any birds of prey, including owls, were routinely shot or trapped by gamekeepers and ‘sportsmen’ naturalists. Some examples from our district make dismal reading. Montagu’s Harriers attempted to nest on...
Mandarin Ducks – Where?
It must be stated that records of Mandarin Ducks Aix galericulata in the Society’s Bird Reports between the years 2012 to 2019, attributed to Spence Dam, should be Hartwith Mill Dam, both names having been inexplicably published in the same...
Farnham News Spring 2022
2021 A Green Sandpiper was present on 4th September, the first autumn Snipe were seen and, by the end of the first week, an Egyptian Goose was on site. During the second week, the number of Snipe increased to seven and Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and...
Crag Top Meadow
Many of you will be familiar with the meadow area behind the cricket field off Aspin Lane in Knaresborough – the footpath regularly used by walkers along Crag Top towards the town or Abbey Road. The land is owned by Harrogate Borough Council (HBC) and over the years...
Moths – a Spring update
Since the Autumn Newsletter, and now that all 2021 moth records have been submitted to your Recorders, three additional new species for the Society’s area were confirmed: Ypsolopha horridella at Spofforth on 28th August; the species was first found in Yorkshire in...
Move along, there’s nothing to see here’
The Northern England Raptor Forum would like to draw your attention to this latest post about bird crime: Move along, there's nothing to see here
Hookstone and Stonefall Action Group
Hookstone and Stonefall Action Group are looking for help with surveys of grasses, butterflies and other groups. They can be contacted through their website - or their Facebook page...
Aspin Pond has been cleared
Friends of Aspin Pond have recently cleared the pond of its long grass so it is now possible to see the Great Crested and Smooth Newts from the path. It is worth a visit while it remains clear. Sonia Starbuck Aspin Pond (Sonia Starbuck)Aspin Pond (Sonia Starbuck)Great...
A Moth Challenge
Our Moth Recorders, Charlie Fletcher and Jill Warwick, are challenging members to find and report day-flying moths in the District. Details of the challenge and a guide to some of the species you might find are in this document. A Moth ChallengeDownload
Informative reports about raptors and their persecution in our area
Northern England Raptor Forum have just released their 2019 Annual Review which covers the whole of northern England. For a more localised report see the Birds of Prey in Nidderdale AONB Evidence Report, published in September 2019.
Another hen harrier disappears
Yet another hen harrier disappearance, just outside our area, is described in this Northern England Raptor Forum item.
Restricted access to Farnham Gravel Pits Sailing Club grounds
Members should be aware that there are restrictions in place for walkers and anglers walking through the Sailing Club grounds. See the map below.
Farnham Gravel Pits reopened on May 13, 2020
Farnham Gravel Pits is once again open to members from Wednesday May 13th 2020. Members must have hand wipes and sanitiser to wipe down the entrance gate and padlock on entering and exiting the site. The bird hide will remain closed to members. Social distancing rules...
Useful links regarding invasive species
Following his interesting lecture on invasive non-native species, John Cave of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has provided the following useful links on the topic
Nidderdale AONB Birds of Prey Evidence Report
Members may well want to read this report from Nidderdale AONB on birds of prey and their persecution: "The Birds of Prey in Nidderdale AONB Evidence Report sets out the current state of key upland raptor populations, both nationally and within the AONB, and assesses...
Operation Owl on 21-22 September 2019
Operation Owl is running a national campaign to raise awareness of raptor persecution, with a particular emphasis on the weekend of 21st and 22nd September 2019. "Across England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, our birds of prey are subject to persistent...
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