9 members visited the site, which in addition to the shallow reservoir itself, is surrounded by planted birch/Scots pine woodland giving dappled shade. The site was unusually quiet as the hot weather had raised the water temperature, reducing oxygen levels and stressing the fish. Consequently fishermen were not present at their usual stations. The water is used as a top up for Swinsty Reservoir, but has not been used as such for 2 years. It is noted as one of the few UK sites of pillwort (Pilularia globulifera), an atypical fern.
Accompanied by the sound of curlew on the surrounding moors, and willow warblers amongst the trees, we ambled the pleasant walk which proved to be mostly typical acid vegetation. Grasses included a wide range of meadow species, but also mat grass (Nardus stricta) and sheep’s fescue (Festuca ovina). Sedges were well represented including bladder (Carex vesicaria), remote (C. remota), oval (C. ovalis) and green-ribbed (C. binervis). Rushes included heath (Juncus squarrosus), soft (J. effusus), articulated (J. articulatus) and heath woodrush (Luzula multiflora). Three species of stitchwort were found: greater (Stellaria holostea), lesser (S. graminea) and bog (S. alsine), allowing the comparative characteristics of each to be easily compared. Splashes of colour were given by bugle (Ajuga reptans), bitter vetch (Lathyrus linifolius), marsh cinquefoil (Potentilla palustris) and red campion (Silene dioica), but many herbs were yet to flower, and the spring woodland flush was already over. Sadly, the highly invasive New Zealand pigmyweed (Crassula helmsii) was growing densely around the water’s edge. And the pillwort, despite careful searching, could not be found. As consolation a cuckoo, silent till we left, finally made its presence felt.
Thanks are due to Muff Upsall for arranging the trip, liaising with Yorkshire Water for permission to park so close to the site, and for carrying out reconnaissance.
Hazel Mitford
Lumley Moor woodlands (Muff Upsall) Bladder Sedge (Muff Upsall) Searching for pillwort (Muff Upsall)