Scotton Banks 23rd June 2016 - Trip Report

23 June, 2016
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Some of the group.  Nick Gaunt

Some of the group. Nick Gaunt

Nine of us walked down the track from Scotton Banks car park and eastwards through Scotton Banks woodland to the ‘Drummerboy Seat’ where there is exposed Magnesian Limestone. From there we scrambled down to the bank of the River Nidd where we enjoyed lunch before returning via the riverside footpath.

Floral highlights included Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii), Common Twayblade (Neottia ovata), Sanicle (Sanicula europaea) and Wood Dock (Rumex sanguineus). Bryophytes included the ancient woodland indicators Thamnobryum alopecurum and Eurynchium striatum; calcicoles such as Ctenidium molluscum, Leiocolea turbinata, Anomodon viticulosus and Rhynchostegium murale; and river littorals Mnium marginatum and Fissidens pusillus.

Click HERE for a full pdf summary, map and list.

We also found this (fallen) birds nest made almost entirely of woodland mosses!

Bird's Nest Nick Gaunt

Bird’s Nest Nick Gaunt

Nick Gaunt

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