On a particularly warm March afternoon 24 HDNS members gathered, ready to meet Sue Wood, and hear about some of the unusual tree species that grow in Valley Gardens. In her introduction Sue said that she hoped to highlight for us around 30 species, mainly species growing in the section of the Gardens below the tennis courts. As you will see from the photo our group was nearly large enough to have adopted one species each! Sue has worked in horticulture for over 40 years and has taken a special interest in trees, especially those around Valley Gardens. As we walked, Sue gave us more detail than I can possibly include in the write up that follows!
Our first tree was standing close by us, and the Old Magnesia Pump Room, a rather spindly Handkerchief tree, Davidia involucrata (1). Sue told us how the species was first recorded in 1869, by Father Armand David a botanist and missionary working in Western China. Further specimens were found and introduced into Europe in 1904. These trees, with their attractive leaf shape and flowers with large, white, hanging bracts, quickly became popular as an ornamental tree for parks. Sadly, the photo shows a specimen suffering from dieback, though it still has a few of last year’s fruits. Let’s hope for success for the new planting of another Davidia in the Gardens, in a position with better drainage.
Just a few metres away looms an impressive Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostrobiodes (2).This is a conifer that might surprise you as it is one of the few deciduous conifers! This species native to Central China, but now, due to loss of habitat there, it is restricted to a few, scattered stands. Come to the Gardens in the autumn and see this tall, elegant tree, no longer green but a vibrant bronze-orange! There is now a 2nd Metasequoia species in the Gardens, variety ‘Goldrush’, that has recently been planted elsewhere in the gardens (3).
The next 3 trees we stopped to admire are each valued for a different reason. The Persian Ironwood, Parrotia persica (4),is particularly valued for its early red blossom, as well as the colourful foliage that follows in autumn. The Blue Atlas Cedar, Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’ (5), is valued for its clusters of lovely silver-blue needles, also as it seems to cope well with poor air quality but is showing signs of Sirococcus blight (Sirococcus tsugae). Thirdly, we stopped at the Gingko biloba, another ancient species, dating back 200 million years, which is valued for its leaves. These are distinctive in their colour, emerging a fresh green in spring, turning to bright, saffron yellow in autumn, and for their unusual ‘fish tail’ or fanlike shape. Also Gingko leaves have a long history of inclusion in Chinese medicine. Use of the extract from its leavesis now popular worldwide as a medicinal supplement that is believed to be therapeutic for blood disorders and memory issues.
Photo 6 shows an unusually narrow conifer. This is a Wollemi Pine, Wollemia nobilis, a tree that the Gardens are proud to possess (6), (7) (8). Until a chance discovery in 1994, by the explorer and botanist David Noble, of a small group of these trees living in a remote canyon in New South Wales, it was thought that the species was extinct. David Noble’s discovery is a ‘moment that is considered one of the greatest botanical discoveries of our time’ (Forestry England). Fossil evidence of this species also dates back 200 million years. While it is still on the Critically Endangered list thankfully propagation has been successful. This specimen was gifted to Valley Gardens by Tony Robinson in 2007.
While there was early blossom to enjoy as we passed the Cornelian Cherry, Cornus mas (9), the different shapes and branch formation of species really stood out clearly as trees were still leafless. An example is the lovely shape of the Scotch Laburnum, Laburnum alpinum (10). This species is prized by carpenters for the rich, dark colour and lustre of its wood. This particular individual is one of 26 County Champion trees in the Gardens. The classification is due its current height and the girth at chest height (known as dbh, diameter at breast height). Nearby was a White Walnut, or Butternut tree, Juglans cineraria, another tree species carpenters might seek out (11). The bark, and wood of the White Walnut has a paler grain than Black Walnut. An aged Mulberry growing alongside the Bandstand is another species that comes as a Black or White species. This one is a Black Mulberry, Morus nigra (12). The fruit of this species outclasses the White Mulberry in flavour, and stains your fingers red! Sue then picked out and named for us the rather ungainly Devil’s Walking Stick, Aralia spinosa (13). We might have wondered why this species earned a place in the Gardens but a quick bit of research brings up images of this tree’s lovely summer foliage and flowers. The final photo (14) shows members enjoying the glossy, red bark of the Tibetan Cherry, or Paperbark Cherry, Prunus serrula.
Our thanks go to Sue Wood. Sue’s enthusiasm and the depth of her knowledge of these trees and history of the Gardens gave HDNS members a memorable afternoon. A list of trees that Sue mentioned is attached. These are listed in approximate order seen on our route. Close to the main Garden entrance there is now a permanent map pinpointing many of these tree species. We are grateful also to the Friends of Valley Gardens who continue to offer much needed support to the small team of permanent gardeners charged with the ongoing care of this much loved space.
Kerry Morrison