Trip Reports

The Society runs an active programme of field meetings throughout the year. Many are visits to areas of interest within the local area, but we also arrange trips to places further afield. Some focus primarily on bird-watching whilst others look for wild flowers, fungi, insects or other groups. Many of these visits are of interest to general naturalists as can be seen from the reports, which we endeavour to publish within a week or two of the event. 

Aubert Ings SSSI

Aubert Ings SSSI

13 members attended Aubert Ings is a fascinating example of a rare habitat; ancient flood meadow. Because of the wet ground it has never been ploughed, though was originally woodland which was cleared hundreds of years ago and traditionally managed ever since. This is...

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YWT Ripon City Wetlands with Pete Bowman

YWT Ripon City Wetlands with Pete Bowman

This morning visit to the wetlands started with the sound of Chiffchaff as we entered the reserve from the carpark. It was the first of many with at least 11 being counted. Most people were familiar with the rhythmic sound but not everyone had watched one so it was...

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RSPB St Aidan’s and Fairburn Ings

RSPB St Aidan’s and Fairburn Ings

15 members joined Colin Slator in a quest to find Signs of Spring at RSPB St Aidan's. This part of the Aire Valley has been reclaimed from its former mining past and now offers extensive and varied habitats. The reserve is also used for flood water storage and there...

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Hartlepool, Newburn Bridge, Greatham Creek and Saltholme

Eleven members attended, meeting at the Lighthouse. It was a wet drive to Hartlepool but our day was dry, overcast with sunny periods. It was a breezy day which did turn colder during the afternoon. It was a low tide when we arrived just on the turn. From the sea...

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Christmas Walk

Christmas Walk

As has been usual at Christmas over recent years, Colin Slator led a Christmas walk.  This year, our feast wasn’t in a local hostelry due to Covid, but we did indeed enjoy a feast of finches. Acting on information received, we set off down the track of the Ripon...

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HDNS visit to Whitby Museum herbarium

HDNS visit to Whitby Museum herbarium

This was a field trip with a difference. Most of us had never viewed a herbarium before, I think some people had not even heard of such a thing! We were lucky that a museum not impossibly far away has such an excellent collection of historical dried flowers – there...

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Swinsty Fungus Foray

Swinsty Fungus Foray

12 would-be mycologists assembled for the now-traditional fungus field trip with Andy Woodall. Welcome to new members Pamela Crawford and Nabil Abbas! Swinsty Woods are mixed coniferous, with plenty of Larch, Birch and some Beech – all good for fungi. The reasonably...

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Hartlepool and area

Hartlepool and area

Eight members attended at 09.00 hrs on a mild day with a westerly breeze blowing off shore. The sea was very calm becoming a little choppy as high tide approached. Later in the day it became sunny and warm. We started on Marine Drive to check the rocks before the high...

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Nosterfield Nature Reserve

Nosterfield Nature Reserve

Five members attended on a very warm sunny day starting at the Nature Reserve car park at 09.30. A good selection of waders were present viewed from the screen. 2 Greenshank, 4 Ruff, 5 Golden Plover, 1 Dunlin, 2 Snipe, 2 Redshank, 5 Ringed Plover, 1 Black-tailed...

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North Cave Wetlands

The HDNS field trip to North Cave Wetlands was attended by nine members. The weather was overcast but there were some hot sunny periods throughout the day.  The car park on Dryham Lane had a flock of Long-tailed Tits, a Chaffinch and a Chiffchaff as I arrived....

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Morning walk at Farnham Gravel Pit

Morning walk at Farnham Gravel Pit

A group of 14 HDNS members met for a morning visit to Farnham Gravel Pit. This was the first chance for a couple of members to visit FGP and we were looking forward to walking around the South Lake with them. Details of FGP can be found on the Farnham Gravel Pit...

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Trees of Valley Gardens

Trees of Valley Gardens

Who knew there are so many wonderful and special trees in our very own Valley Gardens? I didn’t - just me then? - I must have walked through the gardens a million times and never really looked up!  Too busy trying to identify the lovely flowers and plants in...

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Afternoon Walk to Beaver Dyke Reservoir

Afternoon Walk to Beaver Dyke Reservoir

In total a plant list of 117 species was collated by Kerry Morrison, Hazel Mitford and Richard Campbell, with contributions from the other five members of the group, as it was a lovely walk through diverse habitats.  Beaver Dyke Reservoirs are two small supply...

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Quarry Moor, Ripon

Quarry Moor, Ripon

On a warm, sunny afternoon a dozen HDNS members set off to explore Quarry Moor Nature Reserve at Ripon.  This visit was certainly proof that we do not need to travel far from home to find special places.  The site contains grassland, scrub, woodland and...

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Lumley Moor Reservoir

Lumley Moor Reservoir

9 members visited the site, which in addition to the shallow reservoir itself, is surrounded by planted birch/Scots pine woodland giving dappled shade. The site was unusually quiet as the hot weather had raised the water temperature, reducing oxygen levels and...

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High Batts Nature Reserve

High Batts Nature Reserve

High Batts is situated on the banks of the River Ure and comprises 32 acres of mixed woodland with some open clearings.   One of the volunteers at the reserve, Pandora, kindly offered to show us around.   Her extensive knowledge was a real...

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Oak Beck and Birk Crags

Oak Beck and Birk Crags

It was not a particularly auspicious start to the morning as we assembled in Harlow Carr Gardens’ car park in the drizzle. Despite being nearly the end of May, the 12 intrepid members were bundled up to the eyes in double trousers, thick jackets, woolly hats, mittens...

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RSPB Fairburn Reserve

On our arrival at the car park, a Whitethroat and a Sedge Warbler were singing, Goldfinches were in the hedgerow and Swifts flying overhead. Due to Covid restrictions, the first hide was closed, but a Shoveler was found from the footpath. We walked along the wooded...

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Gouthwaite Reservoir and Scar House

The weather forecast was not favourable but we had a dry start as we met at Gouthwaite Reservoir car park. Since our last visit there in 2019, a real eye opener awaited us as a forest of trees is now growing in the middle of the reservoir. This is due to the lowering...

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Aubert Ings

Aubert Ings

Aubert Ings is a traditionally managed unimproved hay meadow with flora typical of neutral grassland. The underlying rock is southern magnesian limestone, with overlying alluvial deposits from the adjacent River Nidd. The meadow is surrounded by earth banks to reduce...

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Nosterfield Complex & YWT Ripon Wetlands

We arrived at Nosterfield Nature Reserve the day after Covid restrictions were lifted and the prospect of excellent weather made it an ideal start to our birding year. In spite of the high water level, wader habitat was good with suitable margins attracting a variety...

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Staveley Nature Reserve

The temperature was 22ºC when we arrived at the car park and set off to walk into the reserve. As we approached Willow Wood a Chiffchaff was heard giving the last rendering of its summer song, a Wren churred and a Speckled Wood butterfly was seen. Further along, a...

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Nosterfield and Lingham Complex

After days of poor weather, we were lucky to have such a pleasant one when we met at Nosterfield Reserve at 1 p.m.  Passage waders to be found on the Reserve were a single Ruff, four Dunlins and lots of Curlews which were arriving for the winter, with 120...

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South Gare

South Gare

After months of Covid uncertainty, this was a much-anticipated trip. It was pleasantly warm and the12 of us were feeling optimistic as we met up with our leader, David Barlow, the Vice-County recorder, whose knowledge of South Gare is phenomenal.  The first of...

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Trees of Roundhay Park

Trees of Roundhay Park

The HDNS members who met at Roundhay Park were so fortunate to have 2 very knowledgeable leaders for the morning’s guided tree walk, Alan Hunton and John Killingbeck. They had planned 2 different walks and each group had a session with each of these enthusiastic...

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Wild Flowers of Hay a Park, Saturday 4th July 2020

Wild Flowers of Hay a Park, Saturday 4th July 2020

There was a sense of excitement at the start of our event due to the fact that we had been locked down for the previous three months and this was our first HDNS outing of the year. At last we were out of doors, meeting others and going to find new plants (hopefully)....

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Hartlepool and Teesmouth, Tuesday 18th February 2020

As a consequence of Storm Ciara, our proposed trip had to be delayed until the following week, when the high tide on our arrival was not ideal for wader watching. Our first stop was along the seafront at Hartlepool where a small rocky island was still above sea level...

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Bryophyte workshop at Staveley,

Bryophyte workshop at Staveley,

A workshop concentrating on mosses was organised in response to requests by society members who had negligible skills with this taxonomic group. The full day workshop was led by Nick Gaunt and 8 members attended. A range of microscopes was provided to aid...

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Winter Walk

Winter Walk

True to tradition, our Christmas winter walk this year was led by Colin Slator. Ten of us travelled initially by car from Ripon along hitherto unexplored back roads, stopping here and there to scan the expansive vistas. Snippets of history and geology coloured the...

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Fungus Foray, Swinsty Reservoir, Saturday 21 September 2019

Fungus Foray, Swinsty Reservoir, Saturday 21 September 2019

Nine HDNS members braved the UCI road closures to drive successfully to Swinsty Reservoir for the Harrogate Autumn Fungi Show. What’s more, we all managed to arrive at the correct car park, where we met three members from the Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group, led by Andy...

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Trip to YWT Spurn Point , Tuesday 10th September 2019

Trip to YWT Spurn Point , Tuesday 10th September 2019

Leader: June Atkinson This popular venue attracted 14 members and it was a perfect day for the visit. After stopping at The Bluebell car park to pick up a Wheatear and some Sandwich Terns over the sea, reports of a White Rumped Sandpiper made YWT Kilnsea Wetlands the...

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Brockadale Nature Reserve, 1st August 2019

Brockadale Nature Reserve, 1st August 2019

August is a busy month for holidays, so just 9 members gathered to spend Yorkshire Day ‘botanizing at Brockadale’. Brockadale is a Yorkshire Wildlife Trust nature reserve in West Yorkshire. It lies 10 miles north of Doncaster, just east of the A1, between the villages...

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Botanical day at Farnham Gravel Pits, 13th July 2019

Botanical day at Farnham Gravel Pits, 13th July 2019

Just a week after National Meadows Day a lovely warm day greeted 13 members at Farnham Gravel Pit for a botanical field trip. We were fortunate to have Kevin Walker, Head of Science for BSBI with us again to guide us around the fine details of the different species...

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Meadows Day at Farnham Gravel Pit, 6th July 2019

Meadows Day at Farnham Gravel Pit, 6th July 2019

It was hard to believe that Meadows Day 2019 was upon us, when last year’s seemed only a short while ago. We celebrated the occasion with some guided walks on bees, dragonflies and botany and it was a real pleasure to see some new members visiting the reserve, and...

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South Gare, Cleveland, Monday 1st July 2019

South Gare, Cleveland, Monday 1st July 2019

Leader: Dave Barlow, County Recorder for VC 62, NE Yorkshire South Gare is an area of reclaimed land and breakwater on the south side of the River Tees near Redcar. The extensive area is made from vast quantities of basic slag generated over a hundred years ago from...

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Upper Teesdale, Tuesday 25th June 2019

Upper Teesdale, Tuesday 25th June 2019

11 of us assembled at the Bowlees Visitor Centre, it was especially good to see Liz our brand-new member on such an adventurous first outing! The weather was not very propitious on this Tuesday morning, it was nearly raining and the forecast was poor. To add insult to...

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Askham Bog Nature Reserve, Tuesday 18th June 2019

Askham Bog Nature Reserve, Tuesday 18th June 2019

17 members took part. We were fortunate that this meeting was led by renowned botanist, Alastair Fitter, Professor of Biology of the University of York and Chair of the Management Committee of this Yorkshire Wildlife Trust reserve since 1974. Several of the group had...

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Cow Myers, Tuesday 23rd May 2019

Cow Myers, Tuesday 23rd May 2019

Leader: Dr Kevin Walker The programme for the visit to Cow Myers promised Globeflower, orchids, Butterwort and Herb Paris. It delivered on all those – and much more. Fourteen HDNS members including Kevin Walker our leader, assembled at the Lindrick Livery stables,...

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RSPB Fairburn Ings, Tuesday 7th May 2019

RSPB Fairburn Ings, Tuesday 7th May 2019

As we travelled south, we left the dismal wet morning behind to arrive at Fairburn where it was bright and dry. From the centre car park, Reed and Sedge Warblers were singing in the reed beds and Whitethroat was seen. Many Swifts were circling overhead; Blackcap and...

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Upper Nidderdale, Tuesday 30th April 2019

We soon left the low ground fog behind and, by 10 a.m. when we reached Gouthwaite, the sun was shining. The early team had stopped at Wath for Dipper and, although that was unproductive, they did see Treecreeper and hear Green Woodpecker. In the car park at...

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Hartlepool and Teesmouth – Tuesday 12th February 2019

Hartlepool and Teesmouth – Tuesday 12th February 2019

We arrived at Hartlepool Headland as the tide was going out, parking in an area where the rocks were exposed. The usual Turnstones were in good numbers and the wader everyone hopes to see, a Purple Sandpiper, was quickly found; they have been more numerous this winter...

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HDNS pre-Christmas walk and lunch 2018

HDNS pre-Christmas walk and lunch 2018

It is now becoming something of a tradition or pattern that I organise some birding (other biological orders are usually hidden away at this time of year) on some date in December, within the Society's area and with some eatery nearby. And so it was that on the 11th...

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Nidd Gorge 29 September 2018 –  Looking for Fungi

Nidd Gorge 29 September 2018 – Looking for Fungi

Leader: Andy Woodall Our annual fungus foray began at the Woodland Trust car park on Ripley Road with some fine, bright autumn weather. At this spot the gorge comprises broadleaf woodland in a lovely steep-sided valley and there certainly was no shortage of fungi...

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Goyden Pot and Upper Nidderdale, 26th September 2018

Goyden Pot and Upper Nidderdale, 26th September 2018

Leader: Nick Gaunt Ten members met at the car park near Manchester Hole in Upper Nidderdale. Starting in the car park and using the fascinating limestone landscape and lime-loving flora of the area, Nick demonstrated some of the essential features of mosses and...

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